Singer, rapper and songwriter from the Canary Islands, CRUZ CAFUNÉ burst onto the scene with his collective BNMP (Broke Niños Make Pesos) and put, together with the efforts of other artists from Tenerife, his island on the map. With a modern, soulful and electronic sound, rooted in the tropics, CRUZ CAFUNÉ and BNMP members (Choclock, Indigo Jams and Ellegas) began releasing singles in the summer of 2015. The island vibes and a fresh and sonorously developed proposal brought them a great underground following, quickly capturing the attention of the Spanish urban scene.
His Canarian cultural background – halfway between Africa, Europe and Latin America -, his relaxed melodies in contrast to the direct lyrics and his revised pop music approach have made him a half crooner-half rapper with an eclectic and interesting body of work.